Scientific Resources

There is an ever-increasing variety and number of sources where someone can find information on the UFO topic (e.g., web sites, newsfeeds, blogs, social media platforms, journals and magazines, books, organizations, witness testimonies, videos and TV documentaries). However, reliable information can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look, especially information that is scientifically trustworthy.

At UFODATA, we have decided to tackle this problem and are proud to be the first organization to share with the community a comprehensive and verified online bibliography and catalog of valuable scientific UFO information about the phenomenon.

This scientific resources page contains our recommended references classified under eleven categories, providing you the sources for an in-depth study of the fascinating, complex and multifaceted UFO phenomenon.

Under the Resources’ sub-tabs Publications, Presentations, and Posters you will also find relevant UFO information that has been published in refereed journals or presented to scientific conferences, often by UFODATA members. Future specific documentation from the project will be regularly added.

Please take a few minutes to browse through this important background documentation.



A – UFO Organizations (websites)

  1. Comite de Estudios de Fenomenos Aereos Anomalos (CEFAA). Website:
  2. Groupe d'Etudes et d'Information des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés (GEIPAN) Website:
  3. Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Website:
  4. National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). Website:
  5. National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). Website:
  6. National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). Website:
  7. The J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). Website:
  8. Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI). (Website is no longer active)
  9. The Canadian UFO Survey. Website:
  10. Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Reporting Scheme. Website:
  11. Unusual Aerial Phenomena Study Group (U.A.P.S.G.). Website:
  12. The Italian Center for UFO Studies. Website:

B – General References on UFOs and Related Anomalies (books and websites)

  1. Alexander, J.B. (2011). UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, Realities. Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press.
  2. Ashpole, E. (1997). The UFO Phenomena: A Scientific Look at the Evidence for Extraterrestrial Contacts. Trafalgar Square.
  3. Best UFO Resources. Website:
  4. Clark, J. (1996). UFO Encylopedia. Omnigraphics, Inc.
  5. Condon, E. U. (1969). Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. University of Colorado, Bantam Books. Online at:
  6. Corliss, W. R. (1982). Lightning, Auroras, Nocturnal Lights, and Related Luminous Phenomena. The Source Book Project.
  7. Corliss, W. R. (1995). Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena. Random House Value Publishing.
  8. Corliss, W. R. (2001). Remarkable Luminous Phenomena in Nature. The Source Book Project.
  9. Davidson, L. (1976). Flying Saucers: An Analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14. Blue-Book Publishers.
  10. Devereux, P. (1990). Earth Lights Revelation: Ufo's and Mystery Lightform Phenomena – The Earth's Secret Energy Force. Sterling Pub Co Inc.
  11. Druffel, A. (2003). Firestorm. Wild Flower Press.
  12. Evans, H. (1983). The Evidence for UFOs. Aquarian.
  13. Haines, R. F. (1979). UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist. Scarecrow Press. Online at:
  14. Haines, R. F. (1980). Observing UFOs – An Investigative Handbook. Burnham Inc Pub.
  15. Haines, R. F. (1994). Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFOs. L.D.A. Press.
  16. Hall, R. H. (1964). The UFO Evidence. NICAP. Online at:
  17. Hall, R.H. (2000). The UFO Evidence: A Thirty-Year Report. The Scarecrow Press.
  18. Hendry, A. (1979). The UFO Handbook. Doubleday.
  19. Hourcade, M. (2011). In Search for Real UFOs. AuthorHouse Publishing. Online at:
  20. Hynek J. A. (1972). The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry. Henry Regnery.
  21. Hynek, J. A. and Vallee, J. (1972). The Edge of Reality. Henry Regnery.
  22. Hynek J. A. (1977). The Hynek UFO Report. Dell.
  23. IPACO ( Analysis of photo/video documents of alleged UFOs.
  24. Jacobs, D. M. (1975). The UFO Controversy in America. Indiana University.
  25. Kean, L. (2011). UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. Harmony Books/Random House.
  26. McCampbell, J. M. (1976). Ufology - A Major Breakthrough in the Scientific Understanding of Unidentified Flying Objects. Celestial Arts. Online at:
  27. McDonald, J. M. (1968). Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects. Testimony presented to the House Science and Astronautics Committee. Online at:
  28. Page T. & Sagan C. (1972). UFOs: a Scientific Debate. Cornell University Press.
  29. Persinger, M. A. & Lafreniere, G. F. (1977). Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events. Burnham Inc. Pub.
  30. Project Blue Book Archive. Website:
  31. Randles, J. (1983). UFO Reality: A Critical Look at the Physical Evidence. Robert Hale Limited.
  32. Randles, J. and Warrington, P. (1985). Science and the UFOs. B. Blackwell.
  33. Ruppelt, E. J. (1960). The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. Doubleday and Company. Online at:
  34. Saunders, D. and Harkins, R. R. (1968). UFOs? Yes! Where the Condon Committee Went Wrong. New American Library.
  35. Sillard, Y. et al (2007). Phénomène Aérospatial Non Identifié. Le Cherche Midi.
  36. Spencer, J. W. and Evans, H. eds. (1987). UFOs, 1947-1987: The 40-year Search for an Explanation. Fortean Times.
  37. Stacy, D, and Huyghe, P. (2000). The Field Guide to UFOs. Quill, An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers.
  38. Story, R. D., ed. (1980). Encyclopedia of UFOs. Doubleday Books.
  39. Sturrock P. A. ed. (1999). The UFO Enigma: a New Review of the Physical Evidence. New York: Warner Books.
  40. Swords, M. D. (1993). “A Guide to UFO Research”. Journal of Scientific Exploration 7 (1): 65-87. Online at:
  41. Swords, M. D. (2006). “Ufology: What Have We Learned?”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 545-589. Online at:
  42. Swords, M. D. and Powell, R. (2012). UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry. Anomalistic Books.
  43. U.S. Air Force (1955). Project Blue Book Special Report Number 14. Air Force. Online at:
  44. U.S. Air Force. (1968). Projects Grudge and Blue Book Reports 1-12. NICAP.
  45. Vallee, Jacques (1965). Anatomy of a Phenomenon: Unidentified Flying Objects in Space – A Scientific Appraisal. New York: Henry Regnery.
  46. Vallee, J. and Vallee J. (1966). Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma. Henry Regnery.

C – Academic Essays on the UFO Phenomenon in general (papers and books)

  1. Ailleris, P. (2011). “The lure of local SETI: fifty years of field experiments”. Acta Astronautica. Vol. 68, Issues 1–2, pp. 2–15.
  2. Donderi, D. C. (1996). “The Scientific Context of the UFO/Abduction Phenomenon”. International UFO Reporter. (Spring): 13-21. Online at:
  3. Markowitz, W. (1967). “The Physics and Metaphysics of Unidentified Flying Objects”. Science , Vol. 157.
  4. Regis, Edward Jr. ed. (1985). Extraterrestrials: Science and Alien Intelligence. Cambridge University Press.
  5. Swords, M. D. (1989). “Science and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis in UFOlogy”. Journal of UFO Studies 1 (1): 67-102. Online at:
  6. Wendt, A. & Duvall, R. (2008). “Sovereignty and the UFO”. Political Theory. Vol. 36, n. 4, pp. 607-633. Online: Abstract Full version

D – Scientific Commentaries (books and non-technical papers)

  1. Baker, R. M. (1968). "Observational Evidence of Anomalistic Phenomena". Journal of Astronautical Sciences, Vol. XV, No. 1, pp. 31-36.
  2. Baker, R. M. (1968). "Future Experiments on Anomalistic Observational Phenomena". Journal of Astronautical Sciences, Vol. XV, No. 1, pp. 44-45.
  3. Friedman, S.T. (1971). "UFO reports available". Aeronautics and Astronautics, April, 1971, p. 4.
  4. Friedman, S.T. (1971). "More on UFO's". Physics Today, P. 97.
  5. Henry, R. C. (1988). “UFOs and NASA”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2 (2): 93-142. Online at:
  6. Hynek, J. A. (1953). "Unusual Aerial Phenomena". Journal of the Optical Society of America, 43(4). Pp. 311-314.
  7. Hynek, J. A. (1966). "UFO's Merit Scientific Study". Science, Vol. 153, p. 329.
  8. Hynek J. A. (1969). "Twenty-one Years of UFO Reports". American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting, December 27, 1969.
  9. Hynek, J. A, (1981). "The UFO Phenomenon: Laugh, Laugh, Study, Study". Technology Review, Vol. 83, No. 7, pp. 50-58. Online at:
  10. King-Hele, D. G. (1972). “UFOs Analyzed”. Nature, N. 239 (27 October), p. 529.
  11. Kuettner, J. P. (1973). "A New Start on the Whole UFO ProbIem?". Aeronautics and Astronautics (November).
  12. McDonald, J. E. (1967). "UFOs: Extraterrestrial Probes?". Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 5, August, pp. 19-20.
  13. McDonald, J. E. (1969). "The Condon Report". Icarus, Vol. 11, #3, November 1969, pp. 443-447.
  14. McDonald, J. E. (1969). "Science in Default: 22 Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations". American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting, December 27, 1969. Online at:
  15. Page, T. (1969). "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects". American Journal of Physics, Vol. 37, No. 10, 1071-1072.
  16. Powers, W. T. (1967). "Analysis of UFO Reports". Science, Vol. 156 (April).
  17. Powers, W. T., MD. (1970). “Case for "Real" UFO's”. Physics Today (June): 4.
  18. Ridpath, I. (1974). “Interview with J. Allen Hynek”. Nature, 251(October): 369.
  19. Rothberg, G. (1969). “UFOs: Fact or Fiction?”. Physics Today, 22 (12): 69-71.
  20. Salisbury, F. B. (1967). “The Scientist and the UFO”. Bio-Science 17 (1).
  21. Salisbury, F. B. (1975). “Recent Developments in the Scientific Study of UFOs”. Bioscience (August): 505-512.
  22. Sturrock, P. A. (1974). "UFO Reports from AIAA Members". Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 12, pp. 60-64.
  23. Sturrock, P.A. (1994). “Survey of the American Astronomical Society Concerning UFOs: Part 1”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-45. Online at:
  24. Sturrock, P.A. (1994). “Survey of the American Astronomical Society Concerning UFOs: Part 2”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 153-195. Online at:
  25. Sturrock, P.A. (1994). “Survey of the American Astronomical Society Concerning UFOs: Part 3”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 309-346. Online at:
  26. Sturrock, P. (1987). "An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project", Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 75-100. Online at:
  27. Vallee, J. (1990). “Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects”. Journal of Scientific Exploration , 4 (1): 105-117. Online at:
  28. Vallee, J. & Davis, E. (2003). “Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness: A 6-layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena”:

E – Skeptical references (non-technical papers and books)

  1. Klass, P. J. (1966). “Plasma Theory May Explain Many UFOs”. Aviation Week and Space Technology 85 (22 August): 48-61.
  2. Klass, P. J. (1966). “Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas”. Aviation Week and Space Technology 85 (3 October): 54-73.
  3. Oberg, J. E. (1982). UFOs & Outer Space Mysteries: A Sympathetic Skeptic’s Report. Donning.
  4. Printy, T. Website:
  5. Sagan, C. (1995). The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. Random House.
  6. Scheaffer, R. (1998). UFO Sightings: The Evidence. Prometheus Books.

F – UFO Case Technical Studies and Research (books and technical papers)

  1. Ballester-Olmos, J. V. and Guasp, M. (1989). “Infrared Photos of “UFOs””. NARCAP Investigator Support Paper, N. 2 . Online at:
  2. Bounais, M. (1994). “Further Quantification of Distance-Related Effects in the Trans-en-Provence Case”. Journal of UFO Studies 5: 109-121.
  3. Guerin, P. (1994). "A Scientific Analysis of Four Photographs of a Flying Disk Near Lac Chauvet". Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1994, pp. 447-469. Online at:
  4. Haines, R. F. (1987). "Analysis of a UFO Photograph". Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 129-147. Online at:
  5. Haines, R. F. and Weinstein W. F. (2001). “A Preliminary Study of Sixty Four Pilot Sighting Reports Involving Alleged Electromagnetic Effects on Aircraft Systems“. NARCAP Technical Report :
  6. Haines, R. F. (2003). “Analysis of a Photograph of a High Speed Ball of Light”. NARCAP Technical Report, N. 7 :
  7. Haines, R. F. (2007). “Small White Ball of Light Flies Near Airliner: Investigation of High Resolution, Digital, Color Photographs of July 3, 2005 at 2031 Hrs, Palo Alto, California”. NARCAP Technical Report, N. 12 :
  8. Haines, R. F. (2009). “Analysis of Digital Photographs of Commercial Airplane and Small UAP on November 8, 2009”. NARCAP Technical Report, N. 13 :
  9. Haines, R. F. (Editor in Chief), Amamiya, K., Ballester-Olmos, V. J., Chola, Ro., Efishoff, K., English, J., Guzman, C., Lee, D., Lemke, L., Osborn, T., Roe, T., Salazar, A., Shough, M., Spalding, R., Teodorani, M., Weinstein, D. (2010). Spherical UAP and Aviation Safety: A Critical Review. :
  10. Maccabee, B. (1979). "Photometric Properties of an Unidentified Bright Object Seen Off the Coast of New Zealand". Applied Optics, Vol 18, No. 15, 2527-28. Online at:
  11. Maccabee, B. (1987). "Analysis and Discussion of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights Filmed Off the Coast of New Zealand". Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 149-190. Online at:
  12. Maccabee, B. (1994). “Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 8, pp. 347-365. Online at:
  13. Maccabee, B. (1999). “Optical power output of an unidentified high altitude light source”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 13, pp. 199-211. Online at:
  14. McDonald, J. E. (1957). “UFO Encounter I – Air Force Observations of an Unidentified Flying Object in the South-Central U. S.”. Aeronautics and Astronautics, July, 1971, pp. 66-70. Online at:
  15. Meessen, A. (2012). “Evidence of Very Strong Low Frequency Magnetic Fields”. PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 19-23, 2012. Online at:
  16. Phillips, T. (1975). Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings. CUFOS.
  17. Rodeghier, M. (1981). UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference: A Catalogue and Data Analysis. CUFOS.
  18. Slough, M. (2002). “Radar Catalog (RADCAT) – A Review of Twenty One Ground and Airborne Radar UAP Contact Reports Generally Related to Aviation Safety for the Period October 15, 1948 to September 19, 1976”. NARCAP Technical Report, N. 6 :
  19. Thayer, G. D. (1956). "UFO encounter II - The Lakenheath England, Radar-Visual UFO case". Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sept., 1971, pp. 60-64.
  20. Vallee, J. (1998). “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases of Unexplained Aerial Objects with Defined Luminosity Characteristics”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 345-358 . Online at:
  21. Velasco, J.-J. (1987). “Scientific Approach and Results of Studies into Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena in France”. In Walter H. Andrus, Jr. and Richard H. Hall, eds. MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, 51-67. Mutual UFO Network.
  22. Velasco, J.-J. (1990). “Report on the Analysis of Anomalous Physical Traces: The 1981 Trans-en-Provence UFO case”. Journal of Scientific Exploration 4 (1): 27-48. Online at:
  23. Von Ludwiger I. (1998). Best UFO Cases – Europe. NIDS.
  24. Weinstein, D. F. (2009). “Aviation Safety and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Preliminary Study of 600 cases of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Reported by Military and Civilian pilots”. NARCAP International Air Safety Report IR-4:

G – Statistical Studies and Research (books and technical papers)

  1. Gindilis, L. M., Men’kov, D. A. and I. G. Petrovskaya (1979). Observations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the USSR: Statistical Analysis. Soviet Academy of Sciences.
  2. Project Condign: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region (1997-2000). UFO study by the British Government's Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS): Go to Project Condign.
  3. Saunders, D. (1975). “Extrinsic Factors in UFO-reporting”. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AIAA)”, Thirteenth Aerospace Sciences Meeting. January 20-22.
  4. Sturrock P. A. (2004). “Time-Series Analysis of a Catalog of UFO Events: Evidence of a Local-Sidereal-Time Modulation”. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 399–419. Online at:
  5. Vallee, J. “Are UFO Events related to Sidereal Time? Arguments against a proposed correlation”. Online at:
  6. Teodorani, M. (2009). “A Comparative Analytical and Observational Study of North American Databases on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”. NARCAP Technical Reports:

H – Scientific Instrumented Field Studies and Research Plans (books and technical papers)

  1. The Toppenish field study (Yakima Indian Reservation, USA)
  2. Project Identification (Piedmont Missouri, USA)
    • Book: Rutledge, H. (1981). Project Identification: The First Scientific Study of UFO Phenomena. Prentice-Hall.
    • Article: Rutledge, H. D. (1986). Project Identification: Thirteen Years and One-Hundred and Sixty Sightings Later. MUFON 1986 International UFO Symposium Proceedings. Mutual UFO Network.
  3. Marfa Lights Research (Texas, USA)
    • Website:
    • Books:
      • Bunnell, J. (2009). Hunting Marfa Lights. Lacey Publishing Company, USA
      • Bunnell, J. (2003). Night Orbs. Lacey Publishing Company, USA.
    • Publications:
      • Stephan, K. D., Ghimire, S.; Stapleton, W. A.; & Bunnell J. (2009). “Spectroscopy applied to observations of terrestrial light sources of uncertain origin”. American Journal of Physics, 77(8), pp. 697-703. Online at:
      • Stephan K. D., Bunnell J., Klier J., Komala-Noor L. (2011). “Quantitative intensity and location measurements of an intense long-duration luminous object near Marfa, Texas”. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 13, August 2011, Pages 1953–1958.
  4. Project Hessdalen (Norway)
  5. Italian Committee for Project Hessdalen (Italy)
  6. Optical Investigation of Anomalous Light Phenomena (Arizona, USA)
  7. 45 ° GRU (Polesine, Italy)
  8. Kingsland Observatory
  9. Technical Papers:
    • Teodorani, M. (2001). “Physics from UFO Data”. ICPH Articles, N. 2 :
    • Teodorani, M. (2011). “A Scientific Approach to the Investigation on Anomalous Atmospheric Light Phenomena”. Workshop on Luminous Phenomena in Atmosphere and Seismic Precursors: a New Frontier for Science? Fornovo Taro (PR), 21 April 2010. GEOLAB Publication (Conference Proceedings). CNR SOLAR, n. 3641 :

I – Geophysics related studies (monographs and papers)

  1. Long, G. (1990). Examining the Earthlight Theory. The Yakima UFO Microcosm. CUFOS.
  2. Persinger, M. A. (1990). “The Tectonic Strain Theory as an Explanation for UFO Phenomena: A Non-Technical Review of the Research, 1970-1990”. Journal of UFO Studies 2: 105-137. Online at:

J – Physics Theories and Propulsion Hypotheses (books, monographs and technical papers)

  1. Davis, E. W. (2004). “Teleportation Physics Study”. Special Report, N. AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034. Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, Edwards Air Force Base CA 93524-7048 . Online at:
  2. Hill, P. R. (1995). Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis. Hampton Roads Publishing.
  3. LaViolette, P. A. (2008). Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion. Bear & Co.
  4. Morgan, D. L. Jr. (1967). "Evaluating Extreme Movements of UFO's and Postulating an Explanation of Effects of Forces on Their Maneuverability", ASME Design Engineering conference, New York City, May 15-19, 1967, session 10.
  5. Website:

K – SETI related Studies (technical papers)

  1. Ansbro, E. (2001). “New OSETI observatory to search for interstellar probes”. In: S. A. Kingsley and R. Bhathal (eds.) The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in the Optical Spectrum III. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4273, pp. 246-253. USA.
  2. Deardorff, J. W. (1986). “Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth”. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomy Society, 27: 99.
  3. Deardorff, J.; Haish, B.; Maccabee, B. & Puthoff, H. E. (2005). “Inflation theory implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation”. JBIS, Vol. 58, pp. 43-50. Online at:
  4. Stride, S. L. (2001). “An instrument-based method to search for interstellar robotic probes”. J. Brit. Interplanetary Soc., n. 52, pp. 2-13. Online at:
  5. Teodorani, M. (2006). ”An Alternative Method for the Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life: “The Local SETI” “. In: J. Seckbach (ed.) Life as We Know It, Springer, COLE Books, Vol. 10, pp. 487-503. Online at:
  6. Teodorani M. (2014). “A Strategic “Viewfinder” for SETI Research”. Acta Astronautica 105 (2014) 512–516:
  7. Teodorani M. (2014). “Search for high-proper motion objects with infrared excess”. Acta Astronautica 105 (2014) 547–552:
  8. Williams, W. – SETV (Search for Extraterrestrial Visitation). Website:
  9. Wolf, F. A. (1988). Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds. Simon and Schuster.